Welcome back to the CAFYIR blog! This week we will be talking about the environment. Keep reading to learn more about struggles our environment is facing, environmental conservation efforts, and so much more!
CAFYIR on the Computer
This week the CAFYIR on the Computer students are discussing Black History, the environment, Earth Day, and the importance of organization.
Our 6th-8th graders also worked on finalizing their ideas for their big, end of year project. More information to come!
We hope you learn a lot of new information from our content as well. Feel free to share anything you’ve learned, a topic you are interested in, questions, or anything else with us at cafyir@gmail.com.
Social Media
Each day this week CAFYIR's social media will have informative and engaging, environment themed posts. Be sure to check it out!
If you'd like to support our mission and learn a lot of new things while doing it, check us out on social media! Leave a like and follow, tag us in posts of you trying new things, and use the #CAFYIR when applying what you learned in our blog posts or YouTube videos.
Instagram: @cafyir
Facebook: @Cafyir Programs
Twitter: @cafyir
Get Involved
If you'd like to get involved and help us provide hands-on, interactive lessons and workshops to students, consider sending your gently used books or school supplies (i.e. binders, backpacks, textbooks, and pencil cases) to 6441 S Chickasaw Trail, Ste. 189, Orlando, FL 32829. The supplies will be used as a part of our curriculum or given to students in need.
Fantastic Fact Floor
Today's fact theme is the environment! If you know any facts about the environment or the ecosystems around you, share them with us on social media using the #CAFYIR.
Did you know that only 1% of the world's water supply is usable, the rest makes up our oceans (97%) and ice (2%)?!
Did you know that, each day, American businesses, alone, generate enough paper to circle the earth 20 times?!
Did you know that, every year, we throw away enough wood and paper to heat 50,000,000 homes for 2 decades?!
Did you know that the world's oldest trees are 4,600 years old?!
Did you know that the world's tallest tree is a coast redwood, located in California, that measures up to be more than 360 feet (109.73 meters) tall?!
Tip Toolbox
This week's Tip Toolbox features some ways that we can each do our part to save the planet and protect our environment:
1) Every living thing in the word needs water in order to survive. This is why we need to work hard to conserve drinkable water! You can help conserve water by taking shorter showers, turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth, and only running the washing machine when it is full of laundry.
2) Try to implement the "3 R's" into your daily life. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! Start by reducing your interactions with practices that harm the environment. This is as easy as riding your bike to school, with a parent/guardian's permission, instead of riding in a car. You can also reuse daily objects, instead of throwing them away. Next time you get plastic grocery bags from the store, try using them as trash bags or turning them into yarn for crocheting or knitting! Finally, recycle certain waste products instead of throwing them away. By recycling your paper, plastic, glass, cardboard, steel, tin, and aluminum, they can be made into something brand new!
3) You can also volunteer to clean up the environment near you! For example, a beach or park cleanup is a great way to not only, clean the planet but also, get involved with the community. After volunteering you may even decide you would like to plan and organize your own environment-related event!
Holiday Hub
If there's a holiday you celebrate share it with us on social media using the #CAFYIR.
February 17, 2021
Random Acts of Kindness Day: February 17th is National Random Acts of Kindness Day! It celebrates and encourages Random Acts of Kindness. It is very important to be kind as even the smallest act of kindness can turn someone's day around. You can celebrate Random Acts of kindness by writing a handwritten letter to someone you love, by helping your family and siblings with chores, or by complimenting someone!
February 18, 2021
National Battery Day: February 18th is National Battery Day! National Battery Day recognizes lead batteries and the role they play in powering our world today. Lead batteries are used to power vehicles, provide backup power, and keep telecommunication running smoothly. In the midst of the ongoing pandemic, lead batteries play an extremely important role in distributing the COVID-19 vaccine to people receiving it. Without lead batteries the world would not function as it does today!
February 19, 2021
National Caregivers Day: National Caregivers day falls on the third friday in February. This year it is on February 19th! This day honors the hard-work and dedication of care givers, even in difficult situations, caregivers work to aid patients in long time care and hospice. You can celebrate National Caregivers Day by posting words of encouragement, on social media, using the #NationalCaregiversDay or by learning more here!
February 20, 2021
National Love Your Pet Day: February 20th is National Love Your Pet Day! We love our pets everyday but, National Love Your Pet Day is the perfect opportunity to spoil your pet with lots of fun activities, treats, and other goodies. You can celebrate National Love Your Pet Day by posting your pet, on social media, using the hashtag #NationalLoveYourPetDay or reminding your pet that they're special, by slipping them an extra treat!
February 21, 2021
International Mother Language Day: February 21st is International Mother Language Day! This holiday works to promote cultural diversity in youth learning their first language. International Mother Language Day encourages quality education and fosters a lifetime of multilingualism and inclusion! You can celebrate International Mother Language day by learning more here, or by studying a new language using free applications like Quizlet or Duolingo!
February 22, 2021
National Walk Your Dog Day: February 22nd is National Walk Your Dog Day. This holiday works to remind all pet parents that walking your dog is important! Not only does a daily dog walk keep you, and your pet, mentally and physically healthy but, it also cultivates a stronger bond, provides your dog with important socialization, and reduces stress and anxiety in dogs (and humans). So, on February 22nd, take you dog for a walk, or if you don't have a dog, look for ways that you can give back to shelter dogs in your community!
February 23, 2021
National Banana Bread Day: February 23rd is National Banana Bread Day. Banana bread is a moist and sweet holiday cake made primarily from ripe bananas. It is estimated that banana bread dates back to around 1893. On this National Banana Bread Day you can try making this desert using the recipe linked here!
Current Events Collection
This week's current event relates back to the topic of environmental protection. Today we will be talking about The Paris Agreement!
Over time, the state of our environment has worsened due to pollution, deforestation, urbanization, industrialization, and so much more. Now more than ever, people are working to combat this with environmental action, policy, and technological development. An example of international environmental policy is the Paris Agreement. In 2016, 197 nations joined the Paris Agreement, devoting themselves to working towards lowering the global temperature and stopping all greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the century. After a brief period of no involvement, as of January 20th, 2021, the United States is once again a part of this the Paris agreement. The goals outlined in the Paris Agreement are so important because it is estimated, with current the rate of environmental destruction, we only have seven years left before entering the point of no return. It is up to governments, companies, and individuals to do their part in keeping this from happening. You can do your part by recycling, conserving energy, and educating yourself on the environment issues of today. Start educating yourself, today, by watching this brief video on Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action.
Activity Area
This week's YouTube Activity is based on the video: “I Love Literature | Imagery!“
Once you've watched the video try to create a model of the earth using only recyclable materials such as paper or cardboard then, write a short paragraph, using imagery, to describe the Earth’s environment!
The earth's environment is diverse and entirely unique from any other planet in our solar system. Only on earth can you walk through the bright green, damp grass, look up at the beautiful blue sky and fluffy clouds, or swim through the clear blue ocean. It is important that we protect our environment so that generations to come can also experience earth's beauty.
Now create your own earth/paragraph and share them with us on social media using the #CAFYIR!
Weekly Writing Prompt:
Why is it important to recycle?
Share your response to the question above with us on social media with the #CAFYIR.
Enthusiasm Expanse
Weekly Motivation:
“It is our collective and individual responsibility...to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live.” -Dalai Lama
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead
"You are never too small to make a difference." -Greta Thunberg
Laxmi's Special Segment
Hello everyone, my name is Laxmi and I volunteer with CAFYIR! This is my first year volunteering with the organization and I am one of the volunteers who works on writing the blog each week.
For this week's special segment, I am going to talk about gardening! Gardening is a great hobby not only because it is rewarding, but also because of the skills it teaches you. Some of these skills include patience and determination! I have also found that gardening is a great bonding opportunity for communities, families, and friends. Additionally, with gardening, you can produce your own herbs, fruits, and vegetables, help preserve your local ecosystem, and richen the soil. Happy Gardening!
If you also enjoy gardening, share your garden with us on social media by using the #CAFYIR!
CAFYIR volunteers', Alexis and Emily's, up-cycled play set garden!
"We Challenge You!"
This week we challenge you to adopt a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle to reduce your carbon footprint! Some ways you can do this include recycling, composting, buying in bulk, installing solar panels, using an electric or manual vehicle, using less plastic, and, if you can, donating to organizations that are working on up and coming technology! If we all do our best to reduce our carbon footprint then, together, we can save our planet!
Click here to calculate your carbon footprint!
Share how you are going to be more sustainable with your friends, family, and us by using the #CAFYIR!
Conclusion and Contact Us
Thank you for reading this week's blog. We hope you enjoyed! Check back next week for a new post. In the meantime connect with us on social media:
Email: cafyir@gmail.com
Instagram: @cafyir
Facebook: @cafyir programs
Twitter: @cafyir
Tik Tok: @cafyir
YouTube: @cafyir
“#DYK? Some Interesting Facts about the Environment.” EarthEcho International, www.earthecho.org/news/did-you-know-some-interesting-facts-about-the-environment#:~:text=The%20world's%20oldest%20trees%20are,is%20frozen%20(for%20now).
Alexander, Evan. “A Shocking Comparison: 5 Photos Of The Great Barrier Reef 10 Years Ago & 5 Of It Today.” TheTravel, TheTravel, 6 July 2019, www.thetravel.com/great-barrier-reef-10-years-ago-vs-now/.
“Awareness Days - International Awareness Events Calendar - 2020 & 2021.” National Awareness Days Calendar 2021, 31 Jan. 2021, www.awarenessdays.com/.
Battery Council International; Essential Energy Everyday. National Battery Day Is February 18 - A Time To Recognize Lead Batteries' Role In Pandemic Healing And Economic Recovery, 16 Feb. 2021, www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/national-battery-day-is-february-18--a-time-to-recognize-lead-batteries-role-in-pandemic-healing-and-economic-recovery-301229126.html.
“Carbon Footprint - CSR: Antalis UK.” Antalis, www.antalis.co.uk/home/who-we-are/sustainability-environment/corporate-social-responsibility/natural-resources/carbon-footprint.html.
“Cost of Hiring Pet Sitter or Dog Walker Los Angeles - Animal Magnetism.” Animal Magnetism Pet Professionals, 9 May 2020, 4animalmagnetism.com/2019/02/07/cost-of-hiring-petsitters-or-dog-walkers-in-los-angeles/.
“COVID-19 Industry Communications Center – UPDATED.” Diesel Progress, 6 Apr. 2020, www.dieselprogress.com/news/COVID-19-Industry-Communications-Center-UPDATED/5031405.article.
Deb. “Ultimate Banana Bread.” Smitten Kitchen, 30 Dec. 2020, smittenkitchen.com/2020/03/ultimate-banana-bread/.
Golodner, Linda, et al. “Safe Drinking Water.” Water Quality and Health Council, 21 Feb. 2018, waterandhealth.org/safe-drinking-water/.
Hoffer, Amber. “Amber Hoffer.” Carruth Center | West Virginia University, 7 Feb. 2020, carruth.wvu.edu/blog/2020/02/07/random-acts-of-kindness-day.
“How Long to Save the Planet from Climate Catastrophe? This Clock Is Ticking Down.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 24 Sept. 2020, www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/climate-change-clock-nyc-carbon-emissions-art-b580249.html.
“How to Host a Beach Cleanup.” Beach, 20 June 2019, www.beach.com/cleanups/how-to-host-a-beach-cleanup/.
Howell, Elizabeth. “What Is the World's Tallest Tree?” LiveScience, Purch, 17 Apr. 2013, www.livescience.com/28729-tallest-tree-in-world.html.
“International Mother Language Day.” United Nations, United Nations, www.un.org/en/observances/mother-language-day.
Jacobs, Barry J. “Why African Americans Cope Better as Family Caregivers.” AARP, 9 Feb. 2021, www.aarp.org/caregiving/basics/info-2021/african-american-caregivers-cope-better.html.
Jessica. “15 Random Acts of Kindness to Do Today.” Minute School, 21 Feb. 2019, www.minuteschool.com/2019/02/15-random-acts-of-kindness-to-do-today/.
Lotz, Kristina. “5 Reasons To Walk Your Dog For National Walk Your Dog Day.” IHeartDogs.com, 25 Aug. 2020, iheartdogs.com/5-reasons-to-walk-your-dog-for-national-walk-your-dog-day/.
Lucy, Author. “How to Improve & Increase Your Recycling.” The Waste Management & Recycling Blog, 9 Aug. 2018, www.forgerecycling.co.uk/blog/increase-your-recycling/.
“NATIONAL BANANA BREAD DAY - February 23.” National Day Calendar, 15 Feb. 2021, nationaldaycalendar.com/national-banana-bread-day-february-23/.
“National Day Today.” National Today, nationaltoday.com/.
Nicoa. “Celebrate National Caregivers Day.” NICOA National Indian Council on Aging, 14 Feb. 2019, www.nicoa.org/celebrate-national-caregivers-day/.
“The Paris Agreement: A Good Deal for the United States. An Essential Deal for the Planet.” Earthjustice, 21 Jan. 2021, earthjustice.org/features/paris-agreement?gclid=Cj0KCQiA962BBhCzARIsAIpWEL30LFvDne5ycgW8dFwEJHoq0UK4bVlpSViNZXXTPUHjfqWHnSv9zq8aAvFHEALw_wcB.
“Sabina Escola Parque Do Conhecimento, São Paulo, Brasil.” HiSoUR Arte Cultura Exposição, 8 July 2020, www.hisour.com/pt/sabina-knowledge-park-school-sao-paulo-brazil-53440/.
Staff, CRN. “Pets Of The Channel: The Furry Friends Keeping Us Sane During Coronavirus.” CRN, 17 Apr. 2020, www.crn.com/slide-shows/running-your-business/pets-of-the-channel-the-furry-friends-keeping-us-sane-during-coronavirus.
“UN Says Paris Agreement on Climate Change Must Aim for Long-Term Environmental Stability | | UN News.” United Nations, United Nations, news.un.org/en/story/2016/04/527372-un-says-paris-agreement-climate-change-must-aim-long-term-environmental.